2. Effect
1 Ils dretgs e las obligaziuns dals proprietaris cuminaivels sa drizzan tenor las reglas stabilidas da la lescha u tenor contract e ch’èn liantas per la cuminanza.
2 Nun ch’i saja disponì autramain, dovri in conclus unanim da tut ils proprietaris cuminaivels per far diever da la proprietad e surtut per disponer da la chaussa.
3 Uschè ditg che la cuminanza exista, na po nagin dals proprietaris cuminaivels pretender la partiziun da la chaussa u disponer dad ina part da la chaussa.
2. Effect
1 The rights and obligations of the joint owners are determined by the rules governing their legal or contractual community.
2 Unless otherwise provided, the unanimous decision of all the joint owners is required in order to exercise ownership rights and in particular to dispose of the object in any way.
3 For the duration of the community, the right to divaide the object or make dispositions relating to a fraction of it is excluded.