Index Fichier unique

Art. 64 B. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza generala / 1. Impurtanza e convocaziun
Art. 66 B. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza generala / 3. Conclus da l’uniun / a. Furma

Art. 65 B. Organisaziun / I. Radunanza generala / 2. Cumpetenza

2. Cumpetenza

1 La radunanza generala decida davart la recepziun e davart l’exclusiun da commembers, elegia la suprastanza e concluda tut las chaussas che n’èn betg vegnidas surdadas ad auters organs da l’uniun.

2 Ella surveglia l’activitad dals organs ed als po revocar da tut temp, senza pregiuditgar lur dretgs che sa basan sin contracts existents.

3 Il dretg da revocaziun exista tenor la lescha, sch’in motiv relevant giustifitgescha la revocaziun.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 64 B. Organisation / I. General meeting / 1. Function, convening of meetings
Art. 66 B. Organisation / I. General meeting / 3. Resolutions / a. Form

Art. 65 B. Organisation / I. General meeting / 2. Powers

2. Powers

1 The general meeting of members decides on admission and exclusion of members, appoints the committee and decides all matters which are not reserved to other governing bodies of the association.

2 It supervises the activities of the governing bodies and may at any time dismiss the latter without prejudice to any contractual rights of those dismissed.

3 The right of dismissal exists by law whenever justified by good cause. (2009-2021) - A propos
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