9. Exclusiun da la cuminanza
a. Cumproprietaris
1 Il cumproprietari po vegnir exclus da la cuminanza tras ina sentenzia giudiziala, sche tras ses cumportament u sche tras il cumportament da persunas, a las qualas el ha cedì il diever da la chaussa u per las qualas el è responsabel, obligaziuns vers tut ils cumproprietaris u vers singuls cumproprietaris èn vegnidas violadas uschè grevamain, ch’ins na po betg pretender da quels da restar en la cuminanza.
2 Sche la cuminanza cumpiglia mo dus cumproprietaris, ha mintgin dad els il dretg da purtar plant; en ils auters cas, e sch’i n’è betg vegnì fixà insatge auter, dovri – per purtar plant – l’autorisaziun da la maioritad da tut ils cumproprietaris cun excepziun da l’accusà.
3 Il derschader che pronunzia l’exclusiun condemna l’accusà d’alienar sia part ed ordinescha, per il cas che l’alienaziun na vegn betg fatga entaifer il termin fixà, l’ingiant public tenor las prescripziuns davart l’utilisaziun sfurzada da bains immobigliars cun excepziun da quellas concernent la schliaziun da la cumproprietad.
1 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 19 da dec. 1963, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1965 (AS 1964 993; BBl 1962 II 1461).
9. Exclusion from collective ownership
a. Co-owners
1 A co-owner may be excluded from the community of co-owners by court order if, as a result of his or her conduct or that of persons to whom he or she granted use of the object or for whom he or she is responsible, his or her duties towards the other co-owners indivaidually or collectively are so seriously violated that continuation of the community of co-owners becomes unreasonable.
2 Where the community comprises only two co-owners, each has the right to sue the other; in other cases, unless otherwise agreed, legal action against one co-owner must be authorised by a majority of all the co-owners excluding the person to be sued.
3 If the court rules in favour of excluding the defendant, it shall order him or her to alienate his or her share and, should he or she fail to do so within the allowed time limit, shall order it to be sold at public auction in accordance with the provisions governing the forced sale of land to the exclusion of the provisions governing dissolution of co-ownership.
1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 19 Dec. 1963, in force since 1 Jan. 1965 (AS 1964 993; BBl 1962 II 1461).