Index Fichier unique

Art. 6481C. Collective ownership / I. Co-ownership / 6. Power of disposal over the object
Art. 649a1C. Collective ownership / I. Co-ownership / 8. Binding nature of rules and noting in the land register

Art. 6491C. Collective ownership / I. Co-ownership / 7. Costs and expenses

7. Costs and expenses

1 Except where otherwise provided, the administrative costs, taxes and other expenses arising from co-ownership or in relation to the object in co-ownership are borne by the co-owners in proportion to their shares.

2 If a co-owner has borne more than his or her fair share of such costs, he or she is entitled to compensation from the others to an equivalent extent.

1 Amended by No I of the FA of 19 Dec. 1963, in force since 1 Jan. 1965 (AS 1964 993; BBl 1962 II 1461).

Index Fichier unique

Art. 6481C. Proprietad collectiva / I. Cumproprietad / 6. Disponer da la chaussa
Art. 649a1C. Proprietad collectiva / I. Cumproprietad / 8. Obligaziun da regulaziuns e remartga en il register funsil

Art. 6491C. Proprietad collectiva / I. Cumproprietad / 7. Purtar ils custs e las grevezzas

7. Purtar ils custs e las grevezzas

1 Ils custs da l’administraziun, las taglias ed autras grevezzas che resultan da la cumproprietad u che sa basan sin la chaussa cuminaivla, vegnan purtads dals cumproprietaris tenor la proporziun da lur parts, nun ch’i saja fixà autramain.

2 Sch’in cumproprietari ha pajà pli che sia part vi da questas expensas, po el pretender dals auters ina indemnisaziun tenor la medema proporziun.

1 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 19 da dec. 1963, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1965 (AS 1964 993; BBl 1962 II 1461). (2009-2021) - A propos
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