C. Proprietad collectiva
I. Cumproprietad
1. Relaziun tranter ils cumproprietaris
1 Sche pliras persunas han proprietad vi d’ina chaussa, mintgina per ina part e senza che la chaussa saja divaidida materialmain, èn ellas cumproprietarias.
2 Sch’i n’è betg fixà autramain, èn ellas cumproprietarias da parts egualas.
3 Per sia part ha mintga cumproprietari ils dretgs e las obligaziuns d’in proprietari; el po alienar u impegnar quella e la part po er vegnir impegnada da ses crediturs.
C. Collective ownership
I. Co-ownership
1. Relationship among co-owners
1 Co-ownership exists where several persons own a share in an object which is physically undivaided.
2 Unless otherwise stipulated, they are co-owners in equal measure.
3 Each co-owner has the rights and obligations of ownership in respect of his or her share in the object, and said share may be alienated and pledged by him or her, or distrained by his or her creditors.