B. Organisation
I. General meeting
1. Function, convening of meetings
1 The general meeting of members is the supreme governing body of the association.
2 The general meeting is called by the committee.
3 General meetings must be convened in accordance with the rules set out in the articles of association and also, as required by law, if one-fifth of the members so request.
B. Organisaziun
I. Radunanza generala
1. Impurtanza e convocaziun
1 La radunanza generala è l’organ suprem da l’uniun.
2 Ella vegn convocada da la suprastanza.
3 La convocaziun vegn fatga tenor las prescripziuns dals statuts ed ultra da quai tenor la lescha, sch’in tschintgavel dals commembers pretenda quai.