A. Hotchpot duty of the heirs
1 The statutory heirs are under a mutual obligation to place into hotchpot any property received from the deceased during his or her lifetime as advancements against their share of the estate.
2 Unless the deceased expressly instructed otherwise, anything gifted or granted to his or her issue by way of dowry, endowment or assignment of assets, debt remission and the like is subject to hotchpot.
A. Obligaziun da gulivar
1 Ils ertavels legals èn obligads vicendaivlamain da laschar gulivar tar la partiziun tut quai ch’il testader als ha dà durant sia vita cun l’intenziun che quai vegnia quintà tar lur part d’ierta.
2 Sch’il defunct n’ha betg disponì expressivamain il cuntrari, ston ses descendents metter en la gulivaziun tut quai che quel ha dà sco dota, sco dotaziun u sco cessiun dals bains, sco relasch dals debits e sco avantatgs sumegliants.