Index Fichier unique

Art. 612a1C. Realisaziun da la partiziun / IV. Attribuziun da l’abitaziun e da la rauba da chasa al consort survivent
Art. 613a1D. Objects spezials / I.bis Inventari agricul

Art. 613 D. Objects spezials / I. Chaussas che tutgan ensemen, scrittiras da la famiglia

D. Objects spezials

I. Chaussas che tutgan ensemen, scrittiras da la famiglia

1 Chaussas che furman tenor lur natira in’unitad na duain betg vegnir separadas, sch’in dals ertavels s’oppona a la separaziun.

2 Scrittiras da famiglia ed objects che muntan per la famiglia ina regurdientscha speziala na duain betg vegnir alienads, sch’in dals ertavels fa opposiziun.

3 Sch’ils ertavels na pon betg sa cunvegnir, decida l’autoritad cumpetenta, co che quests objects duain vegnir alienads u a tgi ch’els èn d’attribuir e sch’els ston vegnir mess a quint a quel u betg; ella fa quai, resguardond l’isanza locala e – sch’ina tala n’exista betg – resguardond las relaziuns persunalas dals ertavels.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 612a1C. Performing the divaision / IV. Allocation of the home and household effects to the surviving spouse
Art. 613a1D. Special items / I.bis Agricultural inventory

Art. 613 D. Special items / I. Items that belong together, family documents

D. Special items

I. Items that belong together, family documents

1 Items which by their nature belong together must not be separated if one of the heirs objects to such separation.

2 Family documents and items of special sentimental value to the family must not be sold if any of the heirs objects.

3 If the heirs cannot reach agreement, the competent authority decides whether to sell such items or to allocate them, against the recipient’s portion or otherwise, giving due regard to local custom and, in the absence of such custom, to the personal circumstances of the heirs. (2009-2021) - A propos
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