B. Dretg da partiziun
1 Mintga cunertavel ha il dretg da dumandar da tut temp la partiziun da l’ierta, nun ch’el saja obligà tenor il contract u tenor la lescha da restar en la cuminanza.
2 Sin dumonda d’in ertavel po il derschader decretar temporarmain che la partiziun da l’ierta u da singulas chaussas da quella vegnia suspendida, sche la valur da l’ierta vegniss reducida considerablamain en cas d’ina partiziun immediata.
3 Ils cunertavels d’in ertavel insolvent pon dumandar ch’i vegnian ordinadas mesiras preventivas per segirar lur dretgs, uschespert che la successiun è averta.
B. Right to divaision
1 Any heir may at any time request that the estate be divaided unless he or she is under a contractual or statutory obligation to remain a member of the community of heirs.
2 On application by an heir, the court may order a temporary deferral of the divaision of the estate or specific parts thereof where immediate divaision would substantially impair their value.
3 Where one heir is insolvent, his or her co-heirs may apply for provisional measures to secure their own claims immediately upon succession.