Index Fichier unique

Art. 59 F. Reservation of public law and company law
Art. 61 A. Formation / II. Entry in the commercial register

Art. 60 A. Formation / I. Corporate group of persons

A. Formation

I. Corporate group of persons

1 Associations with a political, religious, scientific, cultural, charitable, social or other non-commercial purpose acquire legal personality as soon as their intention to exist as a corporate body is apparent from their articles of association.

2 The articles of association must be done in writing and indicate the objects of the association, its resources and its organisation.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 59 F. Resalva dal dretg public sco er dal dretg da societads e d’associaziuns
Art. 61 A. Fundaziun / II. Inscripziun en il register da commerzi

Art. 60 A. Fundaziun / I. Organisaziun corporativa

A. Fundaziun

I. Organisaziun corporativa

1 Uniuns che sa deditgeschan ad ina incumbensa politica, religiusa, scientifica, artistica, da beneficenza u da divaertiment ubain ad in’autra incumbensa betg economica acquistan la persunalitad, uschespert che la voluntad d’exister sco corporaziun resulta da lur statuts.

2 Ils statuts ston esser redigids en scrit e cuntegnair las disposiziuns necessarias davart l’intent, davart ils meds finanzials e davart l’organisaziun da l’uniun. (2009-2021) - A propos
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