Index Fichier unique

Art. 5 C. Federal law and cantonal law / I. Cantonal civil law and local custom
Art. 7 D. General provisions of the Code of Obligations

Art. 6 C. Federal law and cantonal law / II. Cantonal public law

II. Cantonal public law

1 Federal civil law does not restrict the right of the cantons to enact public law.

2 The cantons are entitled within the limits of their sovereignty to restrict or prohibit the trade in certain goods or to declare transactions involving such goods legally invalid.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 5 C. Dretg federal e dretg chantunal / I. Dretg civil chantunal ed isanza locala
Art. 7 D. Disposiziuns generalas dal Dretg d’obligaziuns

Art. 6 C. Dretg federal e dretg chantunal / II. Dretg public dals chantuns

II. Dretg public dals chantuns

1 Il dretg civil federal na limitescha betg las cumpetenzas dals chantuns concernent lur dretg public.

2 Entaifer ils limits da lur suveranitad pon ils chantuns restrenscher u scumandar il traffic cun tschertas spezias da chaussas u declerar nunvalaivels ils acts giuridics che sa refereschan a talas chaussas. (2009-2021) - A propos
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