II. Ordinary
1 For the purpose of liquidation, any business activities of the deceased still in operation are brought to a close, his or her obligations are performed, his or her claims are called in, his or her legacies are distributed where possible, his or her rights and duties are determined at law, where necessary, and his or her assets are converted into cash.
2 Land formerly belonging to the deceased is sold at public auction; it may be disposed of by private sale only with the consent of all the heirs.
3 The heirs are entitled even during the liquidation process to request that some or all of the objects and monies that are not required for the liquidation be released into their possession.
II. Liquidaziun ordinaria
1 La liquidaziun uffiziala vegn fatga uschia ch’ils affars currents dal testader vegnan finids sias obligaziuns ademplidas sias pretensiuns incassadas, ils legats exequids uschenavant che quai è necessari, ils dretgs e las obligaziuns dal testader stabilids giudizialmain e sia facultad realisada.
2 La vendita da bains immobigliars dal testader vegn fatga tras in ingiant public; sin via privata dastga quai vegnir fatg mo, sche tut ils ertavels èn perencletgs.
3 Ils ertavels pon pretender che objects e daners che n’èn betg necessaris per la liquidaziun da l’ierta vegnian surdads dal tuttafatg u mo per part en lur mauns gia durant la liquidaziun.