III. Conseguenza dell’accettazione con beneficio d’inventario
1. Responsabilità secondo l’inventario
1 L’erede che accetta col beneficio d’inventario si assume i debiti inventariati e divaenta proprietario dei beni ereditari.
2 Gli effetti dell’acquisto dell’eredità, coi suoi diritti e coi suoi obblighi, risalgono al momento dell’aperta successione.
3 L’erede risponde, tanto coi beni della successione quanto coi suoi propri, per tutti i debiti risultanti dall’inventario.
III. Effects of acceptance subject to public inventory
1. Liability as per inventory
1 Where an heir accepts the inheritance subject to public inventory, the debts of the deceased listed in the inventory and the assets pass to him or her.
2 The acquisition of the inheritance with all attendant rights and obligations takes effect retroactively from the date on which the succession process commenced.
3 The heir is liable for debts listed in the inventory both with the inheritance and with his or her own assets.