VIII. Responsabladad en cas da la refusa
1 Sch’ils ertavels d’in testader insolvent refusan l’ierta, ston els tuttina star buns vers ils crediturs, uschenavant ch’els han survegnì dal testader entaifer ils ultims 5 onns avant sia mort valurs da facultad da quel, ch’els stuessan metter a disposiziun per gulivar la partiziun da l’ierta.
2 Questa obligaziun n’exista betg per la dotaziun usitada en cas d’ina maridaglia ed er betg concernent ils custs d’educaziun e da scolaziun.
3 Ertavels da buna fai ston mo star buns, uschenavant ch’els èn anc enritgids.
VIII. Liability in the event of disclaimer
1 Where the deceased was insolvent and his or her heirs disclaim the inheritance, they remain liable to his or her creditors to the extent that in the five years prior to his or her death they received property or assets from him or her which on divaision of the estate would have been subject to hotchpot.
2 The endowment of newly-weds according to local custom and the costs of raising and educating children are not affected by such liability.
3 Heirs acting in good faith are liable only to the extent they are still enriched.