Index Fichier unique

Art. 5611A. Vesting / II. ...
Art. 563 A. Vesting / III. Legatees / 2. Object

Art. 562 A. Vesting / III. Legatees / 1. Vesting

III. Legatees

1. Vesting

1 The legatees have a personal claim against the obligors of their legacies or, where no-one is specifically named as such, against the legal or named heirs.

2 Unless otherwise provided by testamentary disposition, the claim becomes due once the obligor has accepted the inheritance or is no longer able to disclaim it.

3 If the heirs fail to fulfil their obligation, they may be sued for release of the bequeathed property or, where the legacy pertains to performance of some action, for damages.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 5611A. Acquist / II. ...
Art. 563 A. Acquist / III. Legataris / 2. Object dal legat

Art. 562 A. Acquist / III. Legataris / 1. Acquist dal legat

III. Legataris

1. Acquist dal legat

1 Ils legataris han in dretg persunal cunter ils debiturs dal legat u, sche tals n’èn betg numnads expressivamain, cunter ils ertavels legals u cunter ils ertavels instituids.

2 Sch’i na resorta betg insatge auter da la disposiziun, po quest dretg vegnir fatg valair uschespert che la persuna engrevgiada cun il legat ha acceptà l’ierta u na po betg pli la refusar.

3 Sch’ils ertavels n’adempleschan betg lur obligaziun vers il legatari, pon els vegnir obligads d’al consegnar las chaussas legadas u da pajar ina indemnisaziun en cas ch’il legat consistiva en l’obligaziun d’exequir in act u l’auter. (2009-2021) - A propos
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