II. In the case of unknown heirs
1 If the authority is uncertain as to whether the deceased is survived by heirs or whether it is aware of all the heirs, the authority must by appropriate public means call on all persons with succession rights to come forward and claim them within one year.
2 If no such person comes forward during this time and if no heirs are known to the authority, the estate passes to the state authority with right to succeed, subject to any action for recovery of inheritance.
II. En cas d’ertavels nunenconuschents
1 Sche l’autoritad è en dubi, ch’il testader haja ertavels u betg ubain che tut ils ertavels sajan enconuschents ad ella, decretescha ella en moda adequata in clom public per envidar tut tgi che ha in dretg da l’ierta, da s’annunziar entaifer 1 onn.
2 Sche nagin na s’annunzia entaifer quest termin e sche l’autoritad n’ha betg enconuschientscha d’ertavels, croda l’ierta, cun resalva dal plant d’ierta, a la cuminanza che ha il dretg d’ertar en tals cas.