D. Spariziun
I. Ertar d’ina persuna sparida
1. Successiun d’ierta cunter garanzia
1 Sch’insatgi vegn declerà sco sparì, vegn sia ierta consegnada als ertavels u als legataris pir suenter che quels han garantì tras ina segirezza da restituir en cas da basegn la facultad al sparì sez u ad autras persunas che han in meglier dretg da l’ierta.
2 Questa segirezza sto vegnir prestada per 5 onns dapi la spariziun en grond privel da mort e per 15 onns dapi l’absenza senza avair novas dal sparì, dentant en nagin cas pli ditg che fin al di ch’il sparì avess cumplenì 100 onns.
3 Ils 5 onns curran a partir da la consegna da l’ierta ed ils 15 onns davent da l’ultima nova da vita dal sparì.
D. Presumption of death
I. Inheriting from persons presumed dead
1. Devolution against security
1 Where a person has been declared presumed dead, before his or her heirs or legatees succeed to the estate, they must furnish security for the restitution of the property to those with a prevailing claim or to the missing person himself.
2 Such security shall be furnished for five years in the case of disappearance in life-threatening circumstances and for 15 years in the case of absence without sign of life, but never beyond the date on which the missing person would have become 100 years old.
3 The five-year period runs from the date on which the estate is transferred and the 15-year period from the last sign of life.