Index Fichier unique

Art. 527 B. Plant da reducziun / II. Effect / 3. Disposiziuns tranter vivs / a. Cas
Art. 529 B. Plant da reducziun / II. Effect / 4. Pretensiuns d’assicuranzas

Art. 528 B. Plant da reducziun / II. Effect / 3. Disposiziuns tranter vivs / b. Restituziun

b. Restituziun

1 Tgi ch’è da buna fai, è obligà da restituir mo la valur, per la quala el è enritgì tras l’act giuridic cun il testader il mument da la successiun d’ierta.

2 Sch’il legatari d’in contract d’ierta sto tolerar ina reducziun, ha el il dretg da pretender enavos in import correspundent da la cuntraprestaziun fatga al testader.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 527 B. Action in abatement / II. Effect / 3. On dispositions inter vivos / a. Cases
Art. 529 B. Action in abatement / II. Effect / 4. On assurance claims

Art. 528 B. Action in abatement / II. Effect / 3. On dispositions inter vivos / b. Restitution

b. Restitution

1 A person acting in good faith has a duty of restitution only to the extent that he or she is still enriched by such transactions with the deceased at the time of succession.

2 Where benefits conferred under a contract of succession are subject to abatement, the beneficiary is entitled to reclaim a proportionate amount of the counter-performance made to the testator. (2009-2021) - A propos
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