Index Fichier unique

Art. 524 B. Action in abatement / I. Requirements / 3. Rights of creditors
Art. 526 B. Action in abatement / II. Effect / 2. On specific legacies

Art. 525 B. Action in abatement / II. Effect / 1. Of abatement in general

II. Effect

1. Of abatement in general

1 Abatement is applied in equal proportion in respect of all named heirs and legatees unless it is evident from the disposition that the testator intended otherwise.

2 Where the abatement applies to a legacy whose beneficiary is also the obligor of other legacies, subject to the same proviso such beneficiary may request that those other legacies be abated proportionately.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 524 B. Plant da reducziun / I. Premissas / 3. Dretgs dals crediturs
Art. 526 B. Plant da reducziun / II. Effect / 2. Legat d’ina chaussa singula

Art. 525 B. Plant da reducziun / II. Effect / 1. Reducziun en general

II. Effect

1. Reducziun en general

1 La reducziun ha lieu per tut ils ertavels e legataris instituids en la medema proporziun, nun che la disposiziun cuntegnia in’autra voluntad dal testader.

2 Sche la donaziun ad in legatari, ch’è a medem temp debitur da legats, vegn reducida, po quel pretender cun la medema resalva che er quests legats vegnian reducids proporziunalmain. (2009-2021) - A propos
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