II. Aboliziun
1. Tranter vivs
a. Tras contract e tras disposiziun testamentara
1 Las parts contrahentas pon abolir da tut temp il contract d’ierta tras ina cunvegna en scrit.
2 Il testader po abolir unilateralmain in contract d’instituziun dals ertavels u in contract da legat, sche l’ertavel u sch’il legatari sa fa – suenter la conclusiun dal contract – culpabel envers il testader d’in cumportament che signifitga in motiv da dischertaziun.
3 L’aboliziun unilaterala sto avair lieu en ina da las furmas ch’èn prescrittas per la disposiziun testamentara.
II. Revocation
1. Inter vivos
a. By contract and by will
1 The contract of succession may be revoked at any time by written agreement between the parties.
2 The testator may unilaterally revoke the naming of an heir or a legacy provided the heir or legatee is guilty of conduct constituting grounds for disinheritance after the contract was concluded.
3 The unilateral revocation must be done in one of the forms prescribed for drawing up wills.