Index Fichier unique

Art. 511 A. Wills / II. Revocation and destruction / 3. Subsequent wills
Art. 513 B. Contracts of succession / II. Revocation / 1. Inter vivos / a. By contract and by will

Art. 512 B. Contracts of succession / I. Execution

B. Contracts of succession

I. Execution

1 In order to be valid, a contract of succession must meet the same formal requirements as a will executed as a public deed.

2 The contracting parties must simultaneously declare their intentions to the public official and sign the deed before him or her and two witnesses.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 511 A. Disposiziuns testamentaras / II. Revocaziun e destrucziun / 3. Disposiziun posteriura
Art. 513 B. Contract d’ierta / II. Aboliziun / 1. Tranter vivs / a. Tras contract e tras disposiziun testamentara

Art. 512 B. Contract d’ierta / I. Constituziun

B. Contract d’ierta

I. Constituziun

1 Per esser valaivel sto il contract d’ierta vegnir fatg en furma da la disposiziun testamentara publica.

2 Las parts contrahentas ston declerar a medem temp lur voluntad al funcziunari e suttascriver il document davant el e davant las duas perditgas. (2009-2021) - A propos
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