4. Disposiziun a bucca
a. Disposiziun
1 La disposiziun testamentara po vegnir fatga a bucca, sch’il testader è impedì da sa servir da las autras furmas da disponer en consequenza da circumstanzas extraordinarias sco privel da mort imminent, interrupziun dal traffic, epidemias u eveniments da guerra.
2 Per quest intent sto el declerar sia ultima voluntad davant duas perditgas ed incumbensar quellas da procurar che sia disposiziun vegnia documentada.
3 Per las perditgas valan las medemas prescripziuns d’exclusiun sco en cas da la disposiziun publica.
4. Oral will
a. Dispositions
1 Where the testator is prevented from using any other form of will by extraordinary circumstances such as the imminent risk of death, breakdown in communications, epidemic or war, he or she is entitled to make a will in oral form.
2 To do so, he or she must declare his or her will in the presence of two witnesses and instruct them to have it drawn up as required in the form of a deed.
3 The witnesses are subject to the same disqualification provisions as apply to wills made in the form of public deeds.