d. Drawing up a will without the testator reading and signing it
1 If the testator does not read and sign the deed, the official must read it out in the presence of the two witnesses and the testator, who must then declare that the deed contains his or her will.
2 In this case the witnesses must not only attest to the testator’s declaration and their judgment concerning his or her testamentary capacity but must also confirm, by appending their signatures, that the deed was read out to the testator by the official in their presence.
d. Disponer senza leger e suttascriver il document
1 Sch’il testader ni legia ni suttascriva sez il document, sto il funcziunari preleger quel ad el en preschientscha da las duas perditgas, ed il testader sto alura declerar ch’il document cuntegnia sia ultima voluntad.
2 Mettend lur suttascripziun sin il document, na ston las perditgas betg mo confermar ch’il testader haja fatg questa decleraziun davant ellas e ch’el saja – tenor lur giuditgar – stà abel da disponer, mabain er ch’il funcziunari haja prelegì il document al testader en lur preschientscha.