c. Cooperaziun da las perditgas
1 Uschespert ch’il document è datà e suttascrit, declera il testader a las duas perditgas, en preschientscha dal funcziunari, ch’el haja legì il document e che quel cuntegnia sia ultima voluntad.
2 Mettend lur suttascripziun sin il document, conferman las perditgas ch’il testader haja fatg questa decleraziun davant ellas e ch’el saja – tenor lur giuditgar – stà abel da disponer.
3 I n’è betg necessari che las perditgas survegnian enconuschientscha dal cuntegn dal document.
c. Role of the witnesses
1 As soon as the public deed has been signed and dated, the testator must declare to the two witnesses, in the presence of the official, that he or she has read the document and that it contains his or her will.
2 The witnesses must sign the deed and in so doing confirm that the testator made said declaration in their presence and that, in their judgment, in so doing he or she was in full possession of testamentary capacity.
3 It is not necessary for the witnesses to be informed of the content of the deed.