Index Fichier unique

Art. 498 A. Wills / I. Drawing up a will / 1. In general
Art. 500 A. Wills / I. Drawing up a will / 2. By public deed / b. Role of the public official

Art. 499 A. Wills / I. Drawing up a will / 2. By public deed / a. Formal requirements

2. By public deed

a. Formal requirements

A will by public deed is made in the presence of two witnesses by a public official, notary public or other person authorised under cantonal law to conduct such business.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 498 A. Disposiziuns testamentaras / I. Constituziun / 1. En general
Art. 500 A. Disposiziuns testamentaras / I. Constituziun / 2. Disposiziun publica / b. Cooperaziun dal funcziunari

Art. 499 A. Disposiziuns testamentaras / I. Constituziun / 2. Disposiziun publica / a. Furma da disponer

2. Disposiziun publica

a. Furma da disponer

La disposiziun testamentara publica vegn fatga cun la cooperaziun da duas perditgas davant il funcziunari, davant il notar u davant in’autra persuna ch’è incumbensada tenor il dretg chantunal cun quests affars. (2009-2021) - A propos
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