H. Pactes successoraux
I. Institution d’héritier et legs
1 Le disposant peut s’obliger, dans un pacte successoral, à laisser sa succession ou un legs à l’autre partie contractante ou à un tiers.
2 Il continue à disposer librement de ses biens.
3 Peuvent être attaquées toutefois les dispositions pour cause de mort et les donations inconciliables avec les engagements résultant du pacte successoral.
H. Contracts of succession
I. Contracts naming heirs and making legacies
1 The testator may, by contract of succession, undertake to another person to bequeath his or her estate or a legacy to that person or a third party.
2 He or she is free to dispose of his or her property as he or she sees fit.
3 However, testamentary dispositions or gifts that are incompatible with obligations entered into under the contract of succession are subject to challenge.