III. Garanzias
1 En tut ils cas da l’instituziun d’ertavels posteriurs sto l’autoritad cumpetenta ordinar ina inventarisaziun.
2 L’ierta vegn surdada a l’emprim ertavel mo cunter ina garanzia, nun ch’il testader l’haja deliberà expressivamain da questa obligaziun; en cas da bains immobigliars po questa garanzia vegnir prestada tras in’annotaziun da l’obligaziun da surdada en il register funsil.
3 Sche l’emprim ertavel n’è betg en cas da prestar questa garanzia u sch’el periclitescha las aspectativas da l’ertavel posteriur, sto vegnir ordinada l’administraziun da l’ierta.
III. Security
1 In all cases in which remaindermen are designated, the competent authority must order an inventory to be drawn up.
2 Delivery of the inheritance to the provisional heir is made only against security, except where the testator has expressly released him or her from such an obligation; in the case of immovable property, security may be provided by entering the delivery obligation under priority notice in the land register.
3 If the provisional heir is unable to provide security or jeopardises the remainderman’s expectancy, the inheritance must be placed under probate administration.