IV. Dispositions in favour of the spouse
1 By a testamentary disposition, the testator may grant the surviving spouse a usufruct of the entire part of the estate passing to their common issue.1
2 This usufruct shall replace the statutory succession right due to the spouse where the common issue are co-heirs with the spouse. In addition to this usufruct, the disposable part is one-quarter of the estate.2
3 If the surviving spouse remarries, the usufruct ceases to apply to that part of the estate which, on succession, could not have been encumbered by a usufruct under the provisions ordinarily governing the statutory entitlements of the deceased’s issue.3
1 Amended by No I of the Swiss Civil Code of 5 Oct. 2001, in force since 1 March 2002 (AS 2002 269; BBl 2001 1121 2011 2111).
2 Amended by No I of the Swiss Civil Code of 5 Oct. 2001, in force since 1 March 2002 (AS 2002 269; BBl 2001 1121 2011 2111).
3 Amended by No I 2 of the FA of 5 Oct. 1984, in force since 1 Jan. 1988 (AS 1986 122 153 Art. 1; BBl 1979 II 1191).
IV. Favurisaziun dal consort survivent
1 Tras ina disposiziun per causa da mort po il testader surlaschar al consort survivent la giudida da l’entira part da l’ierta che tutgass als descendents cuminaivels.1
2 Questa giudida remplazza il dretg d’ierta che la lescha attribuescha al consort survivent en concurrenza cun quests descendents. Ultra da questa giudida importa la part disponibla in quart da l’ierta.2
3 Sch’il consort survivent marida puspè, croda la giudida da quella part da l’ierta che n’avess betg pudì vegnir engrevgiada cun la giudida il mument da la successiun d’ierta tenor las disposiziuns ordinarias davart la part obligatorica dals descendents.3
1 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 5 da d’oct. 2001, en vigur dapi il 1. da mars 2002 (AS 2002 269; BBl 2001 1121 2011 2111).
2 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 5 da d’oct. 2001, en vigur dapi il 1. da mars 2002 (AS 2002 269; BBl 2001 1121 2011 2111).
3 Versiun tenor la cifra I 2 da la LF dals 5 d’oct. 1984, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 1988 (AS 1986 122 153 art. 1; BBl 1979 II 1191).