Index Fichier unique

Art. 4681B. Contract of succession
Art. 470 A. Disposable part / I. Scope of testamentary powers

Art. 469 C. Voidable dispositions

C. Voidable dispositions

1 Dispositions made in error or under the influence of malicious deception, threats or coercion are void.

2 However, they become valid if not revoked by the testator within one year of his or her discovering the error or deception or of his or her release from the threat or coercion.

3 If a disposition contains an obvious error with regard to persons or objects and the testator’s true intention may be established with certainty, the disposition shall be rectified accordingly.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 4681B. Contract d’ierta
Art. 470 A. Part disponibla / I. Dimensiun da la cumpetenza da disponer

Art. 469 C. Disposiziuns manglusas

C. Disposiziuns manglusas

1 Disposiziuns ch’il testader ha fatg sut l’influenza d’errur, d’engion malign, da smanatscha u da sforz èn nunvalaivlas.

2 Ellas daventan dentant valaivlas, sch’il testader na las abolescha betg entaifer 1 onn, suenter ch’el ha survegnì enconuschientscha da l’errur u da l’engion ubain suenter che l’influenza da smanatscha u da sforz è crudada davent.

3 Sch’ina disposiziun cuntegna in’errur evidenta areguard las persunas u areguard las chaussas, sto la disposiziun vegnir curregida en il senn da la vaira voluntad dal testader, sche quella sa lascha constatar cun tschertezza. (2009-2021) - A propos
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