II. Responsabladad
1 Tgi che vegn violà illegalmain tras las persunas che lavuran en il sectur dal stadi civil e che exequeschan lur activitad uffiziala, ha il dretg da survegnir ina indemnisaziun dal donn ed – en cas che la grevezza da la violaziun giustifitgescha quai – ina bunificaziun
2 Star bun sto il chantun; el po prender regress sin las persunas che han chaschunà la violaziun intenziunadamain u per greva negligientscha.
3 Per las persunas che vegnan engaschadas da la Confederaziun vegn applitgada la Lescha da responsabladad dals 14 da mars 19581.
1 SR 170.32
II. Liability
1 Any person suffering loss caused unlawfully by persons employed in the civil register service in the exercise of their official duties is entitled to damages and, where justified by the gravity of the loss, to satisfaction.
2 The canton is liable; it may have recourse against persons who have caused loss wilfully or through gross negligence.
3 The Government Liability Act of 14 March 19581 applies in relation to persons employed by the Confederation.