Index Fichier unique

Art. 450d E. Consultaziun da l’instanza precedenta e reponderaziun
Art. 450f

Art. 450e F. Disposiziuns spezialas en cas d’in plazzament per motivs da provediment

F. Disposiziuns spezialas en cas d’in plazzament per motivs da provediment

1 Il recurs cunter ina decisiun sin il champ dal plazzament per motivs da provediment na sto betg vegnir motivà.

2 Il recurs n’ha betg in effect suspensiv, nun che l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids u l’instanza giudiziala da recurs disponia insatge auter.

3 En cas da disturbis psichics sto vegnir prendida la decisiun sin basa da l’expertisa d’in expert.

4 L’instanza giudiziala da recurs, per regla reunida sco collegi, taidla la persuna pertutgada. Ella ordinescha sche necessari la represchentanza e designescha sco procuratur ina persuna che ha experientscha en dumondas dal provediment e dal dretg.

5 Per regla decida ella entaifer 5 dis da lavur dapi l’inoltraziun dal recurs.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 450d E. Consultation with the lower instance and reconsideration
Art. 450f

Art. 450e F. Special provisions in the case of care-related hospitalisation

F. Special provisions in the case of care-related hospitalisation

1 A statement of grounds is not required for an appeal against a decision relating to care-related hospitalisation.

2 The appeal does not have suspensive effect unless the adult protection authority or the judicial appellate authority rules otherwise.

3 In cases involving mental disorders, the decision must be based on the opinion of an expert.

4 The judicial appellate authority shall normally hear the client as a panel of judges. If necessary, it shall order that the client be represented and appoint a person experienced in care-related and legal matters as deputy.

5 Normally, it decides within five working days of the appeal being filed. (2009-2021) - A propos
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