D. Princips da procedura
1 L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids eruescha d’uffizi ils fatgs.
2 Ella fa las retschertgas indispensablas e registrescha las cumprovas necessarias. Ella po incumbensar ina persuna adattada u in post adattà da far scleriments. Sche necessari ordinescha ella l’expertisa d’in expert.
3 Ella n’è betg liada vi da las pretensiuns da las persunas participadas a la procedura.
4 Ella applitgescha d’uffizi il dretg.
D. Procedural principles
1 The adult protection authority investigates the circumstances of the case ex officio.
2 It shall conduct the required enquiries and gather the required evidence. It may instruct a suitable person or agency to carry out enquiries. If necessary, it shall commission an opinion from an expert.
3 It is not limited by the requests made by the persons participating in the proceedings.
4 It shall apply the law ex officio.