C. Precautionary measures
1 The adult protection authority shall at the request of a person participating in the proceedings or ex officio take all the precautionary measures required for the duration of the proceedings. It may in particular order an adult protection measure as a precautionary measure.
2 In cases of particular urgency, it may take precautionary measures immediately without hearing the persons participating in the proceedings. At the same time, it shall give these persons the opportunity to express their views, after which it shall review its decision.
3 An appeal against precautionary measures may be filed within ten days of notice thereof being given.
C. Mesiras preventivas
1 L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids prenda sin dumonda d’ina persuna participada a la procedura u d’uffizi tut las mesiras preventivas ch’èn necessarias per la durada da la procedura. En spezial po ella ordinar preventivamain ina mesira da la protecziun da creschids.
2 Sche quai è spezialmain urgent, po ella prender subit mesiras preventivas senza consultar las persunas participadas a la procedura. Il medem mument dat ella a quellas la pussaivladad da prender posiziun; alura decida ella da nov.
3 Cunter decisiuns davart mesiras preventivas po vegnir recurrì entaifer 10 dis suenter lur communicaziun.