C. Examinaziun periodica
1 Il pli tard 6 mais suenter il cumenzament dal plazzament examinescha l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids, sche las premissas èn anc ademplidas e sche l’institut è anc adina adattà.
2 Entaifer ulteriurs 6 mais fa ella ina segunda examinaziun. Alura fa ella questa examinaziun uschè savens sco necessari, almain però ina giada per onn.
C. Regular review
1 The adult protection authority shall conduct a review at the latest six months after hospitalisation of whether the requirements for hospitalisation are still being met and whether the institution is still suitable.
2 It shall conduct a second review within the following six months. Thereafter it shall conduct a review as often as necessary, but at least once every year.