D. Rapport final e quint final
1 Sche l’uffizi va a fin, surdat il procuratur il rapport final a l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids ed inoltrescha eventualmain il quint final. L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids po liberar il procuratur professiunal da questa obligaziun, cur che la relaziun da lavur va a fin.
2 L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids controllescha ed approvescha il rapport final ed il quint final da medema maniera sco ils rapports ed ils quints periodics.
3 Ella surdat il rapport final ed il quint final a la persuna pertutgada u a ses ertavels ed eventualmain al nov procuratur e renda il medem mument attentas questas persunas a las disposiziuns davart la responsabladad.
4 Ultra da quai communitgescha ella a questas persunas, sch’ella ha distgargià il procuratur u sch’ella ha refusà d’approvar il rapport final u il quint final.
D. Final report and final accounts
1 When the term of office ends, the deputy shall submit a final report to the adult protection authority and if applicable file the final accounts. The adult protection authority may waive this requirement for professional deputies if the employment relationship ends.
2 The adult protection authority shall examine and approve the final report and the final accounts in the same way as the regular reports and accounts.
3 It shall pass on the final report and final accounts to the client or his or her heirs and if applicable to the new deputy and shall at the same time draw the attention of these persons to the provisions on accountability.
4 It shall also inform them whether it exonerated the deputy or refused to approve the final report or the final accounts.