Index Fichier unique

Art. 422 B. Relaschada / I. Sin dumonda dal procuratur
Art. 424 C. Cuntinuaziun dals affars

Art. 423 B. Relaschada / II. Ulteriurs cas

II. Ulteriurs cas

1 L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids relascha il procuratur:

sch’el n’è betg pli en cas d’ademplir las incumbensas surdadas ad el;
sch’igl è avant maun in auter motiv relevant per al relaschar.

2 La relaschada po vegnir dumandada da la persuna pertutgada u d’ina persuna da sia confidenza.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 422 B. Discharge / I. At the deputy's request
Art. 424 C. Continuation of transactions

Art. 423 B. Discharge / II. Other cases

II. Other cases

1 The adult protection authority shall discharge the deputy if:

he or she is no longer suitable to carry out the tasks;
there is other good cause for his or her discharge.

2 The client or a closely associated person may request that the deputy be discharged. (2009-2021) - A propos
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