B. Relationship with the client
1 The deputy shall carry out his or her tasks in the interests of the client, take account of the client's opinions, where possible, and respect the client's desire to organise his or her life in a way that corresponds to his or her abilities and accords with his or her wishes and ideas.
2 The deputy shall try to develop a relationship of mutual trust with the client and to prevent any deterioration in the client's debility or to reduce the effect thereof.
B. Relaziun cun la persuna pertutgada
1 Il procuratur ademplescha las incumbensas en l’interess da la persuna pertutgada, prenda, sche pussaivel, resguard da l’opiniun da tala e resguarda sia voluntad da concepir sia vita tenor agens giavischs ed ideas en correspundenza cun sias abilitads.
2 Il procuratur sa stenta da stabilir ina relaziun da confidenza cun la persuna pertutgada e da levgiar sia flaivlezza u d’impedir in pegiurament.