II. Records and Information
1 A record shall be kept of any measure restricting freedom of movement. This shall contain in particular the names of the person ordering the measure, the purpose, the nature and the duration the measure.
2 The representative in relation to medical procedures shall be notified of the measure restricting freedom of movement and may inspect the record at any time.
3 The persons supervising the residential or nursing institution shall also have a right to inspect the record.
II. Protocollaziun ed infurmaziun
1 Mintga mesira che restrenscha la libertad da sa mover vegn protocollada. Il protocol cuntegna en spezial il num dal disponent, l’intent, il gener e la durada da la mesira.
2 La persuna ch’è autorisada da represchentar la persuna inabla da giuditgar en cas da mesiras medicalas vegn infurmada davart la mesira che restrenscha la libertad da sa mover; ella po prender invista dal protocol da tut temp.
3 In dretg da prender invista han er las persunas che surveglian l’institut da dimora u da tgira.