E. Intervenziun da l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids
1 L’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids constituescha ina curatella da represchentanza, sch’i n’ha naginas persunas cun dretg da represchentanza u sche quellas na vulan betg exequir il dretg da represchentanza.
2 Ella nominescha la persuna cun dretg da represchentanza u constituescha ina curatella da represchentanza:
3 Ella agescha sin dumonda dal medi u d’ina autra persuna da confidenza u d’uffizi.
E. Intervention by the adult protection authority
1 The adult protection authority shall establish a representative deputyship if there is no representative available or the representative does not wish to exercise the right to act.
2 It shall appoint a representative or establish a representative deputyship if:
3 It shall act at the request of the doctor, another closely associated person or ex officio.