B. The representative
1 The following persons are entitled in the following order to represent the person lacking capacity of judgement and to grant or refuse consent to the planned out-patient or in-patient measures:
2 If two or more persons have the right to act as representative, the doctor, acting in good faith, may require that each act with the agreement of the others.
3 If a patient decree contains no instructions, the representative shall decide according to the presumed wishes and interests of the person lacking capacity of judgement.
B. Persuna cun dretg da represchentanza
1 Las suandantas persunas èn – en questa successiun – autorisadas da represchentar la persuna inabla da giuditgar e d’acceptar u da refusar las mesiras ambulantas u staziunaras previsas:
2 Sche pliras persunas han il dretg da represchentanza, dastga il medi premetter da buna fai che mintgina ageschia cun il consentiment da l’autra.
3 Sche la disposiziun dal pazient na cuntegna naginas directivas, decida la persuna cun dretg da represchentanza tenor la voluntad probabla e tenor ils interess da la persuna inabla da giuditgar.