C. Intervenziun da l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids
1 Sch’i existan dubis davart l’adempliment da las premissas per ina represchentanza, decida l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids davart il dretg da represchentanza e consegna eventualmain al consort u al partenari registrà in document che cuntegna las cumpetenzas.
2 Sch’ils interess da la persuna inabla da giuditgar èn periclitads u betg pli garantids, retira l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids – sin dumonda d’ina persuna da confidenza u d’uffizi – per part u dal tuttafatg al consort u al partenari registrà las cumpetenzas da represchentanza u constituescha ina curatella.
C. Intervention by the adult protection authority
1 If there is any doubt as to whether the requirements for representation are met, the adult protection authority shall decide on the right to act as representative and if required shall provide the spouse or the registered partner with a document stating his or her powers.
2 If the interests of the person lacking capacity of judgement are endangered or no longer safeguarded, the adult protection authority shall at the request of a closely associated person or ex officio revoke the power of the spouse or registered partner to act as representative partly or fully and shall appoint a deputy.