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Art. 373 D. Intervenziun da l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids
Art. 375 B. Execuziun dal dretg da represchentanza

Art. 374 A. Premissas e dimensiun dal dretg da represchentanza

A. Premissas e dimensiun dal dretg da represchentanza

1 Il consort u il partenari registrà che maina ina chasada cuminaivla cun ina persuna che daventa inabla da giuditgar, u che assista regularmain e persunalmain questa persuna, ha in dretg da represchentanza tenor la lescha, sch’i n’exista ni in mandat preventiv ni ina curatella correspundenta.

2 Il dretg da represchentanza cumpiglia:

tut ils acts giuridics ch’èn usitadamain necessaris per cuvrir il basegn vital;
l’administraziun ordinaria da las entradas e da las ulteriuras valurs da facultad; e
sche necessari, la cumpetenza d’avrir e da liquidar la posta.

3 Per acts giuridics en il rom da l’administraziun extraordinaria da la facultad dovra il consort u il partenari registrà il consentiment da l’autoritad per la protecziun da creschids.

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Art. 373 D. Intervention by the adult protection authority
Art. 375 B. Exercise of the right to act as representative

Art. 374 A. Requirements for and extent of the right to act as representative

A. Requirements for and extent of the right to act as representative

1 Any person who as spouse or registered partner cohabits with a person who is no longer capable of judgement or who regularly and personally provides that person with support has a statutory right to act as that person's representative if there is no advance care directive and no deputy has been appointed.

2 The right to act as representative includes:

all legal acts that are normally required to meet the need for support;
due management of income and other assets; and
the right to open and deal with post, if necessary.

3 For legal acts involving exceptional asset management, the spouse or the registered partner must obtain the consent of the adult protection authority. (2009-2021) - A propos
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