Index Fichier unique

Art. 347 B. Indivaisiuns / V. Indivaisiun cun participaziun al gudogn / 1. Cuntegn
Art. 349–3581

Art. 348 B. Indivaisiuns / V. Indivaisiun cun participaziun al gudogn / 2. Motivs spezials da dissoluziun

2. Motivs spezials da dissoluziun

1 Sch’il surpigliader n’administrescha betg en urden ils bains cuminaivels u sch’el n’ademplescha betg sias obligaziuns vers ils auters commembers, pon quels pretender che l’indivaisiun vegnia dissolvida.

2 Per motivs relevants e resguardond las prescripziuns davart la partiziun tenor il dretg d’ierta po il derschader ordinar sin dumonda d’in commember che quel possia sa participar a l’administraziun da l’indivaisiun.

3 Dal rest è l’indivaisiun cun participaziun al gudogn suttamessa a las reglas che valan per l’indivaisiun cun in’administraziun cuminaivla.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 347 B. Ownership in undivaided shares / V. Revenue-generating co-ownership / 1. Nature
Art. 349–3581

Art. 348 B. Ownership in undivaided shares / V. Revenue-generating co-ownership / 2. Special grounds for dissolution

2. Special grounds for dissolution

1 If the collectively owned property is not properly managed or the managing co-owner fails to meet his obligations towards the other co-owners, the joint ownership in undivaided shares may be dissolved.

2 Where there is good cause, a co-owner may request the court to authorise him to assume joint management of the property, taking due consideration of the provisions governing the divaision of the estate.

3 In all other respects, revenue-generating joint ownership in undivaided shares is subject to the provisions governing the joint ownership in undivaided shares of a collectively managed business. (2009-2021) - A propos
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