2. Notice, insolvency, marriage
1 If one co-owner gives notice to terminate joint ownership in undivaided shares or is declared bankrupt, or if his share is realised after having been distrained, joint ownership in undivaided shares may be maintained by the other co-owners provided they reach a settlement with him or his creditors.
2 A co-owner who marries is entitled to request such settlement without giving notice of termination.
2. Disditga, insolvenza, maridaglia
1 Sche l’indivaisiun vegn disditga d’in commember u sch’in tal ha fatg concurs u sche la part impegnada d’in dad els vegn realisada, pon ils auters commembers cuntinuar ensemen cun l’indivaisiun cun indemnisar l’extrant u ses crediturs.
2 Sch’in commember marida, po el pretender da vegnir indemnisà, e quai senza disditga precedenta.