III. Effect
1. Spezia d’indivaisiun
1 L’indivaisiun oblighescha ses commembers ad in’activitad economica cuminaivla.
2 Tut ils commembers han ils medems dretgs vi da l’indivaisiun, nun ch’i saja vegnì fixà insatge auter.
3 Uschè ditg che l’indivaisiun exista, na pon els ni pretender ina partiziun da la facultad ni disponer da lur atgna part.
III. Effect
1. Type of ownership
1 Joint ownership in undivaided shares binds the co-owners together in common economic activity.
2 Unless otherwise provided, they enjoy equal rights in the co-owned property.
3 For the duration of their joint ownership in undivaided shares, they may neither seek a divaision of the property nor dispose of their own share.