b. Violenza, smanatschas u persecuziuns
1 Per la protecziun cunter violenza, cunter smanatschas u cunter persecuziuns po la persuna che porta plant dumandar il derschader da scumandar a la persuna che violescha, en spezial:
2 Sche la persuna che porta plant viva en in’abitaziun ensemen cun la persuna che violescha, po ella ultra da quai dumandar il derschader da metter per in tschert temp davant porta la persuna che violescha. Per motivs relevants po quest termin vegnir prolungà ina giada.
3 Il derschader po, uschenavant che quai para giustifitgabel tenor las circumstanzas:
3bis El communitgescha sia decisiun a las autoritads cumpetentas per la protecziun d’uffants e da creschids ed al post chantunal cumpetent tenor l’alinea 4 sco er ad ulteriuras autoritads ed a terzas persunas, sche quai para necessari per ademplir lur incumbensas u per proteger la persuna che porta plant u sche quai serva ad exequir la decisiun.2
4 Ils chantuns determineschan – en cas da crisa – in post che po disponer immediatamain che la persuna che violescha vegnia messa davant porta da l’abitaziun cuminaivla e reglan la procedura.
1 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 16 da dec. 1983 (AS 1984 778; BBl 1982 II 636), versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 23 da zer. 2006 (protecziun da la persunalitad cunter violenza, cunter smanatschas u cunter persecuziuns), en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2007 (AS 2007 137; BBl 2005 6871 6897).
2 Integrà tras la cifra I 1 da la LF dals 14 da dec. 2018 davart la meglieraziun da la protecziun da victimas da violenza, en vigur dapi il 1. da fan. 2020 (AS 2019 2273; BBl 2017 7307).
b. Violence, threats or harassment
1 To obtain protection from violence, threats or harassment, the applicant may request the court in particular to order the offending party to refrain from:
2 If the applicant lives in the same dwelling as the offending party, the applicant may ask the court to order the offending party to leave the dwelling for a specified period. This period may be extended on one occasion for good cause.
3 Where justified by the circumstances, the court may:
3bis It shall give notice of its decision to the competent child and adult protection authorities, the competent cantonal authority under paragraph 4 and other authorities and third parties, provided this appears necessary in order to fulfil its responsibilities or for the protection of the applicant, or enables the decision to be enforced.2
4 The cantons shall designate an authority which in urgent cases may order the immediate expulsion of the offending party from the joint dwelling and shall enact rules governing the procedure.
1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 1983 (AS 1984 778; BBl 1982 II 636). Amended by No I of the FA of 23 June 2006 (Protection of the Personality against Violence, Threats and Harassment), in force since 1 July 2007 (AS 2007 137; BBl 2005 6871 6897).
2 Inserted by No I of the FA of 14 Dec. 2018 on Improving the Protection given to Victims of Violence, in force since 1 July 2020 (AS 2019 2273; BBl 2017 7307).