Dquater. Post d’infurmaziun chantunal e servetschs da retschertga
1 Las infurmaziuns davart ils geniturs biologics, davart lur descendents directs sco er davart l’uffant vegnan communitgadas da l’autoritad chantunala cumpetenta per la procedura d’adopziun.
2 L’autoritad infurmescha la persuna pertutgada ch’ella haja survegnì ina dumonda d’infurmaziun e dumonda – en cas da basegn – sch’ella è d’accord d’avair contact cun la persuna petenta. Ella po delegar questas incumbensas ad in servetsch da retschertga spezialisà.
3 Sche la persuna che ha survegnì la dumonda d’infurmaziun refusa il contact persunal, infurmescha l’autoritad u il servetsch da retschertga incaricà la persuna petenta en chaussa e la renda attent als dretgs persunals da la persuna che ha survegnì la dumonda d’infurmaziun.
4 Ils chantuns designeschan in post che cusseglia sin giavisch ils geniturs biologics, lur descendents directs sco er l’uffant.
1 Integrà tras la cifra I da la LF dals 17 da zer. 2016 (adopziun), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2018 (AS 2017 3699; BBl 2015 877).
Dquater. Cantonal information centre and tracing services
1 Information about the biological parents, their direct descendants and the child may be obtained from the cantonal authority responsible for the adoption procedure.
2 The authority shall inform the person referred to in the request for information about the request and, where necessary, obtain his or her consent to contact the person requesting information. The authority may delegate these tasks to a specialised tracing service.
3 If the person referred to in the request for information refuses to make personal contact, the authority or the authorised tracing service shall inform the person requesting information and draw his or her attention to the personal rights of the person referred to in the request for information.
4 The cantons shall designate a body to provide advice to the biological parents, their direct descendants or the child on request.
1 Inserted by No I of the FA of 17 June 2016 (Adoption), in force since 1 Jan. 2018 (AS 2017 3699; BBl 2015 877).