A. Presumziun
1 Sch’in uffant è naschì durant la lètg, vala il consort sco bab da l’uffant.
2 Sch’il consort mora, vala el sco bab da l’uffant, sche l’uffant nascha entaifer 300 dis suenter sia mort u – en cas ch’el nascha pli tard – sch’el è vegnì schendrà cumprovadamain avant la mort dal consort.
3 Sch’il consort vegn declerà sco sparì, vala el sco bab, sche l’uffant è naschì entaifer 300 dis suenter il termin dal privel da mort u da l’ultima novitad.
1 Versiun tenor la cifra I 4 da la LF dals 26 da zer. 1998, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2000 (AS 1999 1118; BBl 1996 I 1).
A. Presumption
1 Where a child is born in wedlock, the husband is deemed to be the father.
2 If the husband dies, he is deemed to be the father provided the child is born within 300 days of his death or, if born thereafter, if it is shown that the child was conceived before the husband’s death.
3 If the husband has been declared presumed dead, he is deemed to have been the father provided the child is born within 300 days of the life-threatening event or the last sign of life.
1 Amended by No I 4 of the FA of 26 June 1998, in force since 1 Jan. 2000 (AS 1999 1118; BBl 1996 I 1).