III. Compensation operations between joint and indivaidual property
1 Where debts encumbering one category of property were paid out of assets belonging to the other, respective compensation claims between the common property and the indivaidual property of each spouse arise on the dissolution of the marital property regime.
2 A debt encumbers the property in relation to which it was incurred, but in the case of doubt it encumbers the common property.
III. Cumpensaziuns tranter bains cuminaivels e bains propris
1 En cas d’ina liquidaziun dals bains matrimonials existan tranter ils bains cuminaivels ed ils bains propris da mintga consort pretensiuns da cumpensaziun, sche debits ch’engrevgeschan la massa da facultad èn vegnids pajads cun meds finanzials da l’autra facultad.
2 In debit engrevgescha la massa da facultad, cun la quala el stat en connex, en cas da dubi engrevgescha el però ils bains cuminaivels.