Index Fichier unique

Art. 231 B. Administraziun e disposiziun / I. Bains cuminaivels / 5. Responsabladad e custs administrativs
Art. 233 C. Responsabladad vers terzas persunas / I. Debits integrals

Art. 232 B. Administraziun e disposiziun / II. Bains propris

II. Bains propris

1 Mintga consort administrescha ses bains propris e dispona da quels entaifer ils limits da la lescha.

2 Sch’ils retgavs vegnan assegnads als bains propris, han quels da surpigliar ils custs da l’administraziun.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 231 B. Management and power of disposal / I. Common property / 5. Liability and management costs
Art. 233 C. Liability toward third parties / I. Full liability

Art. 232 B. Management and power of disposal / II. Indivaidual property

II. Indivaidual property

1 Each spouse administers and disposes of his or her indivaidual property within the limits of the law.

2 If income accrues to indivaidual property, the management costs are borne by such property. (2009-2021) - A propos
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